Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Last Night of MSP

No not with support, though that is going well. I just finished my talks at Mission Service Project (MSP). I'm really glad I had the opportunity to speak to them. It was a great experience and a great opportunity. I didn't realize I had the capability to get up and talk for 25-35 minutes. Even on my "short" nights I was hitting the 20's. Haha, I always knew I was a bit of a windbag. Maybe if I got rid of the ums, uh's, and other nervous tic's I'd shave off some time. Aside from those things I really feel like it went well.

I had a few conversations with kids that made me think that at least for some of the kids what I was saying was going through. I hope they take back the idea's of community, that they live their lives willing to be used by God. Most importantly I hope though that the realized what they have in Christ. What we all have in Christ. Perfect relationship, Savior, Friend, Father, Leader, Guide, Mentor, Role Model, everything exemplified in Him.

I just hope they get it, if not now some point in their life. Not that being Christian is cool, it's not. Not that our walk will be fun and rewarding, though it can be and it is respectively. I hope that they get how big a deal God is. I hope that when they realize that, they realize how huge Christ is. And when they glimpse that they see how ridiculous it was that He came and died for them on and individual level. That's sick. It's epic. It's flat out ridiculous that the God of the Universe loves them that much. He loves us that much.

I read some Philippians with them and I was just blown away by how much passion Paul has for the Gospel, and for the Church at Philippi. I moved by the passion in his words. He so loves the Gospel and so loves the people. If we could all have love like Paul, man.

I'm also glad to be done. At times this really stressed me out. I prefer it to support raising, but I get back each night exhausted. I am worn out. I spend all day preparing and then each evening delivering and it doesn't seem like it should be so draining but it is. It was a good experience. I don't know if I have any future in this groups speaking role, though I already have my next offer (currently I have a no with a small window that I might say yes next week).

It was good though. I said what I wanted to say. The Gospel was shared and doubts were talked about. Community was discussed and the importance of Christ centered loving community was described. Living a life of being willing to be used by God was talked about even though I didn't have any great concrete applications points beyond asking God to give you His desires, and tonight we sorta wrapped it all up.


1 comment:

Cabe said...

Glad to hear it went well, Coop.