Friday, June 02, 2006

Witful Signage

I always really enjoy seeing the signs which Austin’s exceptionally clever homeless population likes to display on our roadsides while panhandling. I lived the first 18 years of my life in Houston, and I’ve never seen such brilliance.

Here are a few for your reading pleasure:

“Family killed by Ninja. Saving up for Karate lessons.” (2222 & Mopac)

“Why live in a $200,000 house when you can live under a $20,000,000 bridge?” (2222 & Mopac)

“Need a beer.” (Ben White & IH 35)

These are just a couple of my favorites from the last 4 years. I’ll post more as I see them, and feel free to post yours in the comments or wherever. I want to emphasize that these guys are almost always pretty cool people, and you all should make an effort to roll down your window on occasion at those highway intersections, if for no other reason than to ask them how they are doing and wish them a good day.

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