Sunday, July 16, 2006

Greetings from Portland.

So Cabe and I have been conquering the Pacific Northwest the past 2 weeks. We feel like we've done it all almost. With some notable exceptions we did everything we wanted to. We skipped some gardens and the space needle and a few science museums because they were freaking rip offs. But from the blue field at Boise State, to seeing the Fray in Vancouver (with 1,000 screaming jr. high girls), to stumbling upon the International Beer Festival in Portland, and of course watching them throw fish at Pike's Place in Seattle, we've done pretty much everything we wanted to do.

We rode up with Rene, stayed with my brother, hung out with Kelli, and then ran into David in Portland. It's kind of crazy that that many friends would be way up here, but kind of cool.

This trip has also marked the beginning of the final month here in the US. It hits me in weird ways at weird times. I feel a greater desire to make sure I get a chance to see people before I go.

Anyway, I don't really have anything significant or thought provoking to type about yet, I just wanted to say we'll be back tomorrow and explain why Cabe and I have been absent for 2 weeks or more.

Oh jeez, the highway.....


Anonymous said...

did you visit donald miller? they dont' lock their doors and apparently enjoy having their living room furniture rearranged.

JT said...

I'm glad I found this. Awesome.

Cabe said...

Don Miller was in San Antonio actually, according to David Tuchman. So, no. Unfortunately we were unable to do that. We did go to the Horse Brass Pub, Powell's, drove by Reed College and the Bagdad Theatre and probably hit a few other Portland landmarks that are mentioned in Blue Like Jazz and the like. Overall Portland can be summed up in three words: coffee, beer and gardens. We feel like we got a decent sampling of all three. Imago Dei was really cool too.