Saturday, July 29, 2006

Welcome to The Andude

We will shortly have a new member here at Witless Brevity. His name is Andrew Wallace, but you can call him The Andude. I'm pretty sure most of you already know him, but for those of you that don't, consider yourself formally introduced.


Cabe said...

Hey The Andude - welcome to WitBrev. Make yourself at home.

the_andude said...

I want to welcome myself into this wonderful establishment. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you, the Andude.

Cabe said...

For my own personal enrichment, is the "the" in "the Andude" capitalized or not?

Cabe said...

Matt is ironic like that.

Matt said...

I didn't even understand that B-mart. However, Touche Cabe, that was VERY ironic.

Matt said...


You're sexy and enjoy long walks on the beach.

Eligible ladies... he won't be on the market forever...

On a lighter note are you ever coming to Austin old friend?

Matt Leung

Cabe said...

The best way to make Matt hate a post is actually to be really idealistic and/or indecisive. Also it would help a lot if you said stuff you didn't mean, or if you say anything that might be construed as you hiding behind your motives. Or if you make statements that probably deserve some logical arguments to back them up while providing none. Just think, "WWMD?" and then do the opposite of what Matt would do. That'll get him everytime.