Saturday, March 03, 2007

long time no post

So it was relatively mafan (hassle) for me to convert over to this whole google driven thing, but now here I am, able to post once again on the board.

So many exciting things have happened in my life since I last posted. In brief, I'm staying here for a second year, being humbled greatly, learning how to live in grace, recognizing I can be very performance driven, realizing that comes from insecurity and a desire to prove myself, realizing I don't need to beat myself up for any of that because I live in Grace and God loves me unconditionally.

Learning to live in grace has meant learning to trust God. That's hard, and has hard things associated with it. For Abraham it meant setting Issac his sole son and heir on an alter tied up with a knife raised to strike. Can you imagine even at that point trusting that God would still fulfill His promises. The fear, the doubt, the questioning, but still acting and stepping out in faith. That's pretty amazing. I want to trust God like that. God I don't know how you're going to do this, but I trust that your way is the best way to do it. Whatever it is.

Anything that's been a lot of the big lessons I've been learning. I need to go, more on the exciting things happening in my life later...


Cabe said...

Not to mention that he was being asked to kill his son. What the eff?

Cabe said...

oh, and welcome back, Coop, your voice has been sorely missed on the blog.

Unknown said...

Three cheers for the return of The Coop.


Unknown said...

haha - Sam said huzzah.