Friday, March 09, 2007

An Attempt at Celtic Prayer

I move today
Towards the holy Father
Towards the loving Christ
With the gentle Spirit

Intellectually humbled,
As I seek to know
The One who is unknowable
As I seek to love
Three who are love
As I seek community
With the Holy Community

You seek me out Yourself
And make Yourself known to me
And make me to love You
And make for me a Holy Community

I cannot even take a step,
Without acknowledging
The goodness of the Creator
The salvation of the Son
The presence of the Holy Spirit
For your presence is all too real and close

I am surrounded by shrouded mountains
That testify to your hidden Glory
That, though often unseen, remain nearby
That, even under clouds, they Are

So Are You
Heavenly Father
Glorious Son
Beautiful Spirit

It is in Your hope that I move.


Cabe said...

I thought of you guys today in class as we were reading the Celtic prayers that we wrote. The Celts had prayers for everything, from putting out the fire at night to dropping a deuce or churning butter. I decided that we need some sort of prayerful incantation that we can recite when we gather to have a beer or something. Something reverent, yet true to the spirit of our (oftentimes) irreverent group. Suggestions?

Cabe said...

I would like a great lake of beer for the King of Kings. I would like to be watching Heaven's family drinking it through all eternity.

-St. Brigid, the Irish patron saint of beer. Nice contrast to lake of fire.

Matt said...

I really liked this.